Title: Hitler Youth: Groming up in Hitler's Shadow
Author: Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Copyright: 2005
Reading Level: Lexile 1050
Reading Level: Lexile 1050
First of all, it is important to make it clear that the book, Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler's Shadow is not about Hitler but of the youth that followed him. The book talks about twelve young individuals and their dramatic experience in Germany during the Holocaust. The pictures used in the book bring the reader closer to the experiences these young individuals had to go through as they followed Hitler and fought for the Nazis. The young individuals, both girls and boys, explain how the leader they most trusted betrayed them and used them for evil.
Suggested Delivery:
The best delivery methods for this book can be independent reading along with small group discussions.
Electronic Resources:
1. The History Place- This website can be referred to after the reading, by both the students and the teacher. Students can make use of the website as a tool to enhance their comprehension of the book. Teachers can utilize it to organize and present the main topics of the book in a manner which suits his/her students.
2. History on the Net- This website is a great tool for struggling readers and English Language Learners. The website includes pictures with brief descriptions and important information about the book. It is easy to read and to navigate through. Teachers can use it to assist struggling readers because of the various activities presented.
Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary- Communist, Relinquish, Nazis, Holocaust, Anti-semitism, Euthanasia
2. Reading Strategies- KWL chart
Before Reading: In small reading groups, ask students what they know about Hitler. Have students fill out the "K" section of the KWL chart as a group. As a teacher, make sure you pay close attention to misconceptions and other misleading information they might provide. Present the new vocabulary words and ask student to fill out the "W" section of the KWL chart. Before students began reading the book, make it clear that the book is about the Youth during Hitler's time and not about Hitler.
During Reading: Have students answer some of the questions they had for the "W" section of the KWL chart. Instead of having group discussion, have students write a journal each day answering a question from the chart. As a teacher, this writing assignment will be a helpful tool to assess students' comprehension level.
After Reading: Provide students with both electronic resources and have them navigate the websites. In small reading groups, ask students to fill out the last section of the KWL chart, "L". Discuss their feelings and opinions about the book.
3. Writing Activity- Since the book focused on the Youth that followed Hitler, have students write a letter to one of the children who participated in the Holocaust. The writing activity should include their opinions, reactions, feelings and any questions they might have about Hitler and the Holocaust. Students should also write what they would have done differently if they were growing up in Hitler's shadow.
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