Thursday, October 20, 2011

Walk Two Moons

Title: Walk Two Moons
Author: Sharon Creech
Publisher: HarperCollins
Copyright: 1994
Reading Level: Lexile 770

The book starts with a thirteen year old girl named Salamanca and her father moving from their farm in Kentucky to Ohio, where Sal meets Phoebe, her new best friend, and Margaret, her father’s new friend. While Sal and her grandparents drive to Idaho to retrace her mother’s route, she talks about Phoebe and her life story. It turns out that Phoebe and Sal share more than just friendship. They share the pain of abandonment and loneliness.
Suggested Delivery:
Small reading groups along with discussions.
Electronic Resources:
1. Sharon Creech- Author's website for students to utilize after the reading. It contains information about the author and other picture books she wrote.
2. Graphic Organizer- This can be used by the students during and/ or after the reading. It is a graphic organizer for students to identify a connection with the story and explain why they made that connection.
Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary- Heaps, Ornery, Omnipotent, Peculiar, Cinch, Untamed, Rhododendron
2. Teaching Suggestions-
Before Reading: To introduce the new vocabulary, have students make vocabulary cards. Give students index cards and have them write the word on one side and on the other side, the definition of the word and a visual.
During Reading: Since students are reading in groups, have assigned chapters each day and have them popcorn read. With popcorn reading, students will remain focused throughout the reading. In addition, give students post-it notes so they can place them where they find a text-to-self connection.
After Reading: Have students use the post-it notes as a guide for their discussion. They should talk about the connections they made with the book. First, students have to read aloud the text and then talk about what it reminded them of.
3. Writing Activity- Throughout the book, Sal and Phoebe share similar life struggles. In their journal, have students write about one character they can connect with the most. They should talk about the similarities they share and provide examples from the book.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Amelia Earhart: This Broad Ocean

Title: Amelia Earhart: This Broad Ocean
Author: Sarah S. Taylor and Ben Towle
Publisher: Hyberion Book
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Lexile 1080

This short graphic novel is about Amelia Earhart and her experience as she achieve what other people said it was impossible. The novel begins in 1928, with Amelia trying to be the first woman to flight a plane across the Atlantic Ocean. Grace, a courageous girl trying to become a journalist, interviews Amelia and gets the motivation and inspiration needed to be successful. The novel takes a turn with Amelia’s mysterious disappearance. Fortunately, Grace used that as an excuse to break down the barriers that prevented her from becoming a reported.
Suggested Delivery:
Reading groups but students should read independently. Afterwards, have a small group discussion.
Electronic Resources:
1. Kids Konnect- This is Amelia Earhart's website, for students to utilize after the reading. It is easy to navigate and read for struggling readers. The website contains visuals, importnat quick facts and other helpful links.
2. Comic Strip- Students can use this website after their reading to create their own graphic novel. It is an easy to use tool that students can use to creat comic strips.
3. Amelia Earhart- Original Amelia Earhart website that teachers and students can use before the reading. They can learn more about Amelia by watching a short video clip.
Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary- Ambition, Circumnavigate, Endeavors, Apprehensive, Triumphant, Voyage
2. Reading Strategies-
Before Reading: Before students began their independent reading, explain the text structure of the novel. The graphic novel is written in a comic strip structure and for some students it will be frustrating to read it. Afterwards, ask students what they know about Amelia Earhart and write the facts on the white board.
During Reading: As students read the novel, have them do the split-page note taking activity for the vocabulary. They are going to put the word on the left hand side and the definition of the word on the right. Their definition will come from context clues and visuals. Afterwards, give students post-it notes so they can identify facts about Amelia. Facts include what she did, said, who she was and her importance in the story.
After Reading: After the reading, have a small group discussion about the novel. The discussion should be about the facts students identified, their definitions of the words, and their overall opinion of the book.
3. Writing Prompt- As a journal entry, have students write responses to the following questions:
1. Why is it important to have a role model?
2. Who do you consider to be a role model? Why?
3. Why was Amelia so important?
4. Would you consider her a role model?

Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave

Title: Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave
Author: Laban C. Hill
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Lexile 1100
Dave the Potter is about the life of an amazing and skilled potter that lived and died a slave in the 19th century in South Carolina. The powerful sentences and simple visuals used throughout the book outline the making of a pot. With much detail and word selection, the author uses rural imagery to describe Dave’s surroundings. When Dave is done with is pot, he inscribes an important message.

Suggested Delivery:
Read aloud followed by class dicussion.

Electronic Resources:
1. Liver Pool Museums- A great resource for students to utilize after the reading. The website takes students on an amazing tour where they learn and hear other slaves' stories.
2. Laban Hill- Author's webpage for students to use before the reading. The webpage contains information about the author that will help students comprehend his style of writing. Students can also utilize it to find out more about his books and poems.

Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary-Clothed, Clumps, Pug, Mounded, Mounted, Shrugged
2. Reading strategies-

Before Reading: Before you began reading, you have to introduce the new vocabulary. Give students an index card and have them do vocabulary cards. Each card has to have the new vocabulary word, the definition and a short description of what the word reminds them. Afterwards, skim through the book and pay close attention to the visuals. Have students create questions about the visuals.

During Reading: Students will answer the question they had by doing the split-page note taking activity. The left hand side should have five questions they had and the right hand side should have brief answers along with facts from the book.

After Reading: Using the questions and answers from the split-note taking activity, students will be involved in a popcorn review. Students will talk about the book and will ask each other questions to enhance their comprehension.

3. Writing Prompt- “I wonder where is all my relation friendship to all- and, every nation” was the last quote in the book. Have students write a journal entry where they explain what the quote means to them and how it relates to the book.

How to Teach a Slug to Read

Title: How to Teach a Slug to Read
Author: Susan Pearson
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish Children
Copyright: 2011
Reading Level: Approximately Grade 3 
Can you teach a Slug how to read? This short story explains the procedure a Slug must undertake to learn how to read. The step-by-step instructions include labeling, read alouds, repeated words, sounding out words, making a vocabulary lists and lots of patients. This short read also contains Mother Slug rhymes and amazing visuals.
Suggested Delivery:
Read aloud followed by class discussion.
Electronic Resources:
1. Susan Pearson- A great tool for students to utilize before the reading. It is the author's webpage and students can use it to find out more about the author before reading her book. It contains an interview with Pearson, questions she answered from kids and other books she wrote.
2. Video- One of the steps in the book is to help the baby Slug sound out words. This website includes videos students can see after the reading to help them understand how they were taught to sound out words. This website will also help them for their writing activity.
Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary- Slug, Interest, Rhymes, Tuffet, Patient, Worth
2. Reading Strategies-
Before Reading: Before you start reading, ask students the following questions as a whole class discussion. This will prepare students for the reading and will get them motivated to read the book as they are already making text-to-self connections.
1. Who taught you to read?
2. Where did you learned how to read?
3. Why is it important to learn how to read?
4. How did you learned how to read?
5. What types of books do you like to read?
6. Have you tried to teach someone else how to read?

During Reading: Have students choral read the book with you. This strategy will help struggling readers with fluency and sight words. The strategy will also give them the opportunity to practice and receive support before reading it on their own. 

After Reading: After you read the book, ask students the following questions as a whole class discussion. If necessary, write the steps on the white board so students can easily have access to them.
1. When you teach a Slug how to read, what step is the most important one? Why?
2. When you teach a Slug how to read, what step would you remove or think it is unnecessary? Why?
3. The way the Slug learned how to read, is it the same way you learned how to read?
3. Writing Activity- Have students write a journal entry of their experience as a learner. The journal entry should include their experience with reading, if they like it or dislike reading and why. They should also write the steps they would follow to teach a younger sibling how to read.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night

Title: Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night
Author: Joyce Sidman
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Reading Level: Lexile 1020
This book includes poetry and scientific facts about nocturnal animals. It contains twelve poems, nine about nocturnal animals and three about mushrooms, plants and trees. The book begins with “Welcome to the Night” in which the reader is introduced to the life of various animals in the woods. The book also contains important facts a teach can share with the students to enhance their knowledge of animals.
Suggested Delivery:
Read aloud followed by individual work.
Electronic Resources:
1. Interactive Poetry- This websites contains other helpful websites that students can utilize after the reading to create various types of poems.
2. Joyce Sidman- Author's website that can be used by both the teacher and the students before the reading. It contains helpful tips for writing and poetry. It also includes games and important information about both the author and her writing.
3. Video- Students can benefit from this YouTube video during or after the reading. The video is about the book and is a great tool for struggling readers to utilize.
Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary- Enchanted, Nocturnal, Photosynthesis,  Rove, Echolocation, Omnivorous
2. Reading strategies-
Before Reading: Have students complete an entrance slip. They have to identify an animal they like and it’s active at night. They must name some characteristics and explain why they like that animal. 
During Reading: Since the poems are short and they contain a lot of new vocabulary, have students echo read with you. This way, students will learn how to read a poem and will understand the importance of pausing while reading poetry.
After Reading: Give each student a poem from the book and have them create their own found poem about their selected animal. Because they are using the text already written, give them a highlighter so they can highlight the words that describe their animal.
3. Writing Activity-Have students write their poem using the found poem strategy. Along with the poem, have them write a journal entry where they explain why they chose those words to describe their animal.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Impossible Patriotism Project

Title: The Impossible Patriotism Project
Author: Linda Skeers
Publisher: The Penguin Group
Copyright: 2007
Reading Level: Approximately Grade 3

For President’s Day, students in Caleb’s class were asked to make projects to represent patriotism. Unfortunately, Caleb cannot think of anything to represent how patriotic he is and his father, a solder in desert fatigues, is not around to help. As he thinks of his father’s absence, he realizes that his father is the best way to represent patriotism.

Suggested Delivery:
Read aloud followed by small group discussion.

Electronic Resources:
1- Field Trip- This website can be used by both the students and the teachers after the reading. The website contains a visual field trip of America, activities for students and discussion questions for students to think about Patriotism.
2- Presidents' Day- A useful website for students to utilize before or after the reading. It contains information, activities, games and historical facts about Presidents' Day.

Teaching Suggestions:
1. Vocabulary- Patriotism, Slumped, Scrunched, Pouting, Crates, Grumbled

2. Reading Strategies-

Before Reading: Before reading the book, have students create vocabulary cards. The index cards should include the word on one side and on the other side, their own definition and a visual to represent the word.

During Reading: As you read the book aloud, have students do the direct note taking activity. Stop in appropriate pages and have students write one fact or something they learned from the reading.

After Reading: In small groups, have students do the popcorn review activity. They should use their notes to talk about the book. Their discussion should be about:
- What they learned from the book?
- What was interesting?
- What is patriotism for them?
- How would they represent patriotism and why?

3. Writing Activity- As their exit ticket and part of their popcorn review, have students explain why they think Caleb chose his dad to represent patriotism.

The Secret of Priest's Grotto

Title: The Secret of Priest's Grotto
Authors: Peter L. Taylor and Christos Nicola
Publisher: Kar-Ben Publishing
Copyright: 2007
Reading Level: Approximately Grade 6

The Secret of Priest’s Grotto is a nonfiction book about the survival of several families during the Holocaust. For more than a year, underground caves in the Ukraine provided sheltered and protection to Jews, including children and the elderly. The book is basically about two different stories; one story is about the men who discovered the caves and the other story is about the survivors. The survivors tell their unknown stories of how they found the caves, how they fought to survive and how life was like underground.

Suggested Delivery:
Small reading groups including reading group discussions.

Electronic Resources: 
1- Holocaust Children- This website includes stories about other Jewish children that survived the Holocaust. This website can be utilized after the reading so students can expand on what they read. This can also be used as a text-to-text connection followed by text-to-self connection. This connections will enhance student's comprehension.

2- UAYCEF- This website was recommended by the authors of the book and it can be used during the reading. The website includes visuals, stories of their different discoveries and interesting information for students.

Teaching Suggestions:
1- Vocabulary- Western Ukraine, Substantiate, Methodically, Prevailed, Silhouette, Vigor

2- Reading Strategies- (KWL Chart)

Before Reading: Ask students to make predictions of the book based on the cover page. Have a brief class discussion about what they think the book might be about. After, have students complete the “K” section of the KWL chart. Students should write everything they know about Jews, Ukraine, Holocaust survivors and history. Review the vocabulary and read just the first page.

During Reading: After reading the first page, have students complete the “W” section of their KWL chart. The questions should be based on the first page reading. Encourage students to ask questions about topics like Jews, Ukraine, the Holocaust, survival and caves.

After Reading: Discuss the reading with students by asking them about the questions they wrote for the “W” section. They should be able to include details from the book and personal opinions. After, have students complete the “L” section.

3- Writing Activity- From the different survival stories told in the book, have students select one that made an impact on them. They should identify what was interesting about the story, how it made them feel, any thoughts and questions they have about the story.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Moon Over Manifest

Title: Moon Over Manifest
Author: Clare Vanderpool
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Lexile 800

This book is about a twelve year old girl named Abilene Tucker and her experience in a new town, Manifest during the depression. After Abilene cut her knee and had a near fatal three-day infection, Gideon, her father, decided to send her away where she can be better taken care off. Once in Manifest, she was welcomed by Shady, her father’s friend and Hattie Mae, the town’s reporter. With the help of two classmates, Ruthanne and Lettie, the towns diviner, Miss Sadie, and a box of forgotten artifacts, Abilene begins her journey into her father’s hometown past.
Suggested Delivery:
Independent reading followed by popcorn discussion.
Electronic Resources:
1- Clare Vanderpool- This website can be of use by both students and teachers after the reading. It includes a summary of the book, information about the author, activities and much more.
2- Your world- Useful for students to use during the reading. The book does not mention much about World War 1 but using this website can provide valuable information.
Teaching Suggestions:
1- Vocabulary- Depression, Satchel, Autumnal, Awnings, Diviner, Sycamore
2-Reading Strategies-
Before Reading: Have students complete a vocabulary card for each word. They should write the word on one side and on the other side have them write their own definition and draw a visual. Encourage students to do vocabulary cards throughout the reading to enhance their comprehension.
During Reading: Group students depending on their reading level. Every night, assign students to read two or three chapters and to write a reflection about what they read. The reflection should include what they learned and what they have questions about. In class, have students do a popcorn discussion about their reflection. Guide students and if necessary provide some modeling instruction.
After Reading: Provide students with the text from the back of the book and a black marker. Students will be using the found poems activity to create a poem that will explain something about the book. The poem can be about the main character, a scene they can imagine from the book or anything they found critical about the book.
3- Writing Activity- Have students rewrite their found poems. Have them explain why they chose those words or phrases and why they chose that topic.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Grand Mosque of Paris

Title: The Grand Mosque of Paris
Author: Karen G. Ruelle and Deborah D. Desaix
Publisher: Holiday House
Copyright: 2009
Reading Level: Lexile 1090

This book tells the story of how French Muslims dedicated their time to save the lives of many Jews during the Holocaust. Courage, strong faith and devotion to social justice were the tools Muslims used to save people of all ages, including children. Jews found refuge in an unlikely place where it was not only a place of worship but also a community center. “Save one life, and it is as if you’ve saved all of humanity.”

Suggested Delivery:

Read aloud followed by group discussion.

Electronic Resources:

1- More For You- This website is a great tool for students to utilize after the reading. This website includes a 3D tour of The Grand Mosque, activities and extra useful information.
2- Kidskonnect- A great resource tool for students to view before the reading. It includes important fast fact about the Holocaust that can help set the stage for the book.
Teaching suggestions:
1- Vocabulary- Allah, Mecca, Mosque, Souk, Synagogue, The Holocaust
2- Reading Strategies-
Before Reading: Have students complete an entrance slip. They should write everything they know about the Holocaust, Muslims, Jews and/or The Grand Mosque of Paris. In addition, have students write five questions they have about the topics. After, collect the entrance slips and write down the top ten questions on the white board.
During Reading: Students will be using the split-page note taking activity to enhance their comprehension level. For the left hand side, have students write the ten questions and as you read, the answers on the right hand side.
After Reading: As the last activity, have students be the professor know-it all. Divide the students into groups of five and have each student answer two questions. They should gather facts to support their answers from the book and the websites.
3- Writing Activity- Students should write in their journal what they learned from another professor - and anything they found interesting from the reading.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

After Ever After

Title: After Ever After
Author: Jordan Sonnenblick
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Copyright: 2010
Read Level: Lexile 820
Jeffrey Alper was diagnosed with cancer when he was just four years old. Jeff started his chemotherapy treatment but the after math caused him attention and learning challenges. Tad, Jeff’s best friend, decides they can help each other graduate eighth-grade. Tad was going to help Jeff with his school work and Jeff was going to help Tad with his physical therapy. Unfortunately, one of them does not make it to their graduation day.

Suggested Delivery:
Independent reading followed by think-pair-share.
Electronic Resources:
1- Jordan Sonnenblick- This is the author's webpage and it is a useful tool for students before the reading. As a good reader, it is important to find out who the author is and his/her style of writing. When you know more about the author, you comprehend the book better.
2- Captain Chemo- This website is a tool that students can use to better understand Cancer and Chemotherapy treatment with a game. They can utilze the website to learn morea about the topic in an engaging manner.
Teaching suggestions:
1- Vocabulary- Relapse, Treatment, Chemotherapy, Leukemia,  Interrogation, Marrow
2- Reading Strategies-
Before Reading: Have students look through the book. Ask them to write in their journals what they think the book will be about based on the front and back cover. Ask them to write down everything they know about Cancer, Friendship, and Family. Introduce new vocabulary and encourage students to keep a section in their journal with vocabulary words.
During Reading: As students read the book, they must write the vocabulary words down and have a definition based on context clues. They should also write down questions about the reading.
After Reading: Have students pair up and share their opinions, questions and vocabulary words. Together, students should come up with two questions, two opinions, and three vocabulary questions they have from the whole book. Once that is completed, have students write them down on the white board.
3- Writing Activity- Students should select two questions, two opinions and two vocabulary questions to answer in their journal. This will be their exit ticket and used as an assessment. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin

Title: Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin
Author: Duncan Tonatiuh
Publisher: Abrams Books for Young Readers
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Lexile 610
This short read is about two cousins, or primos, who write letters to each other about their daily lives. Charlie is American and his cousin Carlitos is Mexican. They write about their home environment, methods of transportation, favorite sports, food and cultural traditions. The book exposes the readers to some Spanish words and amazing pictures that were influenced by the art of the Mixtecs.

Suggested Delivery:
Read aloud along with class discussions.

Electronic Resources:
1- Duncan Tonatiuh- This is the author's webpage and it is a useful resource for students to view after the reading. The website includes illustrations, the author's biography, and other interesting activities for young readers.
2- Your Dictionary- This website can be utilze by both the students and teacher during and after the reading. It is easy to navigate and has a lot of activities that can enhance student's Spanish vocabulary.
Teaching Suggestions:
1- Vocabulary- Skyscrapers, Subway, Dribbles, Papalote, Cohetes, Reatas
2- Reading Strategies-
Before Reading: Ask students to make predictions about the book based on the cover page. Ask them what they know about Mexico and write it down on a white board.
During Reading: As you come across the vocabulary words, ask students to use context clues and visualization to identify the definition of the word. Create a graphic organizer with the student’s definition. Add a picture next to the Spanish words to help struggling students.
After Reading: Ask students to talk about the book using the new vocabulary words. They can talk about what they liked or disliked about the book, the illustrations, their feelings, prior experience, etc. Make sure students are using the new vocabulary appropriately.
3- Writing Activity- Ask students to write a letter to their foreign cousin. As in the story, have students write about their home environment, methods of transportation, favorite sports, food and cultural traditions here in the United States. If they do not have a foreign cousin, have them write a letter to Carlitos.